Leadership 2.0




growing other leaders

The primary purpose of leadership is to inspire action and develop other leaders. In this group coaching and training program, evolving and experienced leaders will continue to expand their leadership capacity by shifting their focus to growing other leaders. As a result of actively participating in The DEEPER Leader Institute Leader Development and Training Program, leaders will…

  • Become knowledgeable of effective leadership principles and strategies, and gain a greater understanding of how to learn, live, and lead others in a broader context of organizational leadership.

  • Learn practical strategies for integrating and implementing Holistic Leadership practices.

  • Increase emotional intelligence and gain a greater sense of clarity of identity and purpose, confidence, and the courage needed to lead for the desired results for the entire organization.

  • Increase self-awareness, awareness of others, and the overall impact of the leader’s impact on the culture and climate of the entire organization.

  • Become more empowered leaders who seed to grow and add value to others.

  • Understand how to increase their leadership capacity, and that of their organization, the systematic development of others

E I G H T W E E K P r o g r a m

Module 1

Personal Change and Positive Organizations

Module 2:

The Leadership Paradigm Shift

Module 3:

Creating Compelling Vision for Yourself and Your Organization

Module 4:

Creating a Sense of Purpose

Module 5:

Authentic Conversations

Module 6:

Self-Motivation and Motivating the Whole Leader

Module 7:

Leading an Authentic Life

Module 8:

Strategic Planning for Personal and Professional Growth